My Number One Tip for Back to School Organizing

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There are SO MANY tips and ideas out there for how to get organized for back to school. Sometimes these ideas look pretty in pictures but are a hassle to maintain and create more work then you intended. What is the real result you are looking for when trying to get organized?

Usually, people are looking for a nice flow to their day, an easy way to get kids and parents ready and out the door (hopefully on time!), school work, books and papers that are easy to find and use, more time, less stress, less chaos, and more quality time.

So my number one tip for getting organized is to simplify..

It’s easy to get distracted and pulled in a lot of directions - there are so many things vying for our attention that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. And with social media it’s easy to think that we aren’t doing enough or don’t have enough. The goal of simplifying is to allow our priorities for ourselves and our families to rise to the top and let everything else fall to the wayside.

I created a free, simple worksheet for parents to help figure out how to simplify. It starts with visualization, then prioritization and when life gets chaotic, this is a reference point to refer back to to reflect and reset.

>>> Download the FREE Simplify for Back to School worksheet