Vintage Shopping in Bozeman

Can you believe that the 90s is now vintage?! It’s wild to walk into Target and see the same fashion that was cool when I was in high school. Now I know how my mom must have felt when I wore bell-bottoms and thrifted long patterned skirts.

Vintage will never not be cool. Shopping vintage is a great way to find unique pieces, and explore and create your personal style. We are lucky to have several shops in Bozeman to buy and sell vintage. The list below includes places that are strictly vintage and places that have an element of vintage.

Best Vintage Shops in Bozeman

  1. Bozeman Vintage

    1008 North 7th Ave, Unit F | (406) 595-4305

  2. Rare Bird Vintage

    131 W Babcock St | (406) 579-7003

  3. Treasurer Emporium

    16 N 9th Ave, Stu 4 | (406) 209-7864

  4. Cash for Clothes

    119 N 7th Ave | (406) 219-3552

  5. ReCouture

    2320 W Main St, Suite 1 | (406) 582-5710

  6. Antique Market and More

    8332 Huffine Ln # 2 | (406) 586-0985

Let me know in the comments below, or email me at if I’ve left a cool shop off the list.

And check out my post on the Best Thrift Shopping Deals.